
Oval Foods satisfies the necessity of the food industry ; bringing solutions with our products  with sensorials and nutritives characteristics that are superior to the conventionals. 
The control that we exert to obtain an excellent quality product is started since the field.
100% organic and friendly with the environment.

OVAL FOODS is a business of  GRUPO OVAL, the same that has 15 years of experience on aporting with solutions and products to improve the agriculturist productivities  and also the quality of the harvests. 

Oval Foods satisfies the necessity of the food industry ; bringing solutions with our products  with sensorials and nutritives characteristics that are superior to the conventionals. 
Our business take care about the process with stricts integral quality controls, since the field to the obtainment of our final products.
We satisfy the clients necessities such as: restaurants chains, hotels, catering business, processed food factories , drinks industries , energizing food manufacturers, etc.

OVAL FOODS is a business of  GRUPO OVAL, the same that has 15 years of experience on aporting with solutions and products to improve the agriculturist productivities  and also the quality of the harvests. Our experience is based on harvests such as: banana, cacao, mango, strawberry, blackberry, vegetables, corn, soy, potato, grape, rice, plantain, etc.

Our quality results of our products are found endorsed by investigational and educational institutions.
The control that we exert to obtain an excellent quality product is started since the field, as we supply our agricultural producers allies with technological tools, that as a result it gives us good quality harvests. Such technology is 100% organic and friendly with the environment.

✉️ ovalarezo@ovalfoods.com

Velez 1202 y Machala 1er Piso
Guayaquil – Ecuador

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